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Door: to fuckin' bad honey
Gepost om 2006-07-21 20:34:47

Onderwerp: fuck holland

If you hate it that much, you dumb fuckin' chearleading piece of garbage, there are at least 4 flights laving for the states every day from Schiphol aiport. Holland never was a nice country to begin with, at least not for the last 10 yrs or so. So get a fuckin' reality check the next time you feel the need to leave your o so precious United States of America, and stop polluting the netspace with your self absorbed pity cries. Who the fuck likes the fuckin' RAH-RAH click anyway?

Door: Angel
Gepost om 2004-07-05 18:57:15

Onderwerp: fuck holland

Holland is a very nice place. I see you have a bad attitude. You have to talk to your friends about how you feel. I am sure they will understand. You say about your own country: god damned country, and that is not nice. Change the world but start to change yourself, with that bitchy attitude you will go nowhere here. Or else: get the fuck out of here!!

Door: Phileine
Gepost om 2004-07-05 15:52:15

Onderwerp: fuck holland

I live here for a few months now. I completly totally hate it! My host family is great. But that's the only positive point. Everyone at school thinks I'm a stupid rich American Cheerleader girl. But if they'd only look a little bit closer they would se a girl who misses her family, her friends and her own whole god damned country! A girl who cries and gets homesick every night.. But they don't look.. Nobody cheers me up.. They all want me to go home.. And I thought Holland was nice... Fuck Holland!

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